I am entirely average. I have walked the path that most do; school, college, work, marriage, kids, divorce, re-marriage. Except for one aspect; I have written and published two novels.
That puts me in a tiny percentage of humanity – less than 2% of people have achieved this.
How did I do this?
Simple, take these 4 steps…
1) Burn with intention to create beauty through words and language.
2) Approach your writing with ‘stubborn gladness’, as the great Liz Gilbert puts it. Write with a
stubbornness that ensures this action happens with regularity and frequency. Do so with
gratitude and lightness in your heart that you get to play with words and language and craft
new people, new worlds, new outcomes.
3) Get guidance from similar path walkers. This is an act of investment – sit with people who
also wish to weave beautiful meaning from words. Listen to others’ perspectives and others’
creative projects – it will inform you in many delightful ways. Creative Writing courses hold
up multiple mirrors to view one’s skills through. Use them to understand the boundaries
within which your writing exists and where you might want to move towards. Writing
Courses help you determine why rules exist and how, and why, you might break them. They
also help your writing efficiency and effectiveness – because as well as the ‘romance’,
writing is routine graft, requiring determined pragmatism.
4) Put your completed work out into the world. As the character Elaine Mozell, in the movie,
‘The Wife’ puts it, “A writer has to be read”. It is in the imaginations of your readers that
your creative act becomes truly complete. Let your beautiful creation live beyond you
without too much concern for the outcome outside your own sense of having done your
I look forward to welcoming you to the 2% club.
Rachel Davidson Author Bio –
Rachel is a local author who is an ex-student of The Writers’ Company.
She wrote her first novel, ‘The Point of Me’, Book 1 in the ‘Beyond Veils’ series, in 2017 which went straight to best seller in 14 online categories across the UK, US, Canada and Australia.
She has just published the second novel in the ‘Beyond Veils’ series. Entitled ‘The Truth of Her’, this latest book explores themes of spiritual karma, freewill and the choice between compassionate forgiveness or dark revenge.
Rachel has a unique life philosophy that was developed partly through her experiences of working within the highly-specialised discipline of Dressage. Anybody who has experience of horses knows the deep connection needed between these majestic animals and humans in order to compete at the highest levels. This equine practice led Rachel to explore the spiritual and shamanic belief systems - and it is one of the key reasons why a very special horse-like creature has a primary role in her first book!
Rachel is married to Steve (whom she dedicates her books to), has two children and a “Jug” dog. She enjoys dancing whenever she can, studying esoteric principles, and of course, like any self-respecting author spends as much time reading as she can possibly spare!